Tag: world trade organisation

  • WTO’s IFA

    Important for Prelims: EconomyMains: General Studies I Recently (July 2023) over 110 (it does not include India) of the WTO 164 members concluded text-based negotiations on the Agreement on Investment Facilitation for Development (IFA). Agreement on Investment Facilitation for Development (IFA) Facilitation Vs Promotion Why Didn’t India Participate ? Practice Questions for Prelims Consider the following…

  • World Trade Organisation (WTO)

    Context: WTO dispute settlement panels have found India’s tariffs (between 7.5 – 20%) on certain ICT products such as mobile phones inconsistent with India’s WTO obligations. Importance Prelims: International Relations, Current AffairsMains: UPSC General Studies Paper- II, Important International Institutions Background:• One of the central objectives of the WTO is to boost transparency and predictability…