Tag: World Bank

  • World Bank Group Launches Business Ready Project

    Important for Prelims: Indian Economy ; Current Affairs, Reports & Projects Mains: General Studies III World Bank Group Launches Business Ready Project Business Ready Project Read about other important Reports and Indices, click here. Practice Questions for Prelims Which organisation had launched the Business Ready Project?a) World Economic Forumb) World Bank Groupc) World Trade Organisationd)…

  • Reports and Indices

    Important for Prelims: Indian EconomyMains: General Studies III India reaches 38th Spot on World Bank’s Logistic Performance Index; PM Says it is encouraging trend India has reached the 38th spot on World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index. In 2014, India was ranked 54th. It climbed 16 places from 2014 to 2022. Prime Minister Narendra Modi termed…

  • Indus Water Treaty 

    Important for Prelims: Geography and EnvironmentMains: General Studies Paper I Indus Water Treaty  Kishanganga Hydroelectric Project Dispute Resolution Mechanism Practice Questions for Prelims Consider the following statements regarding Indus Water Treaty:1. Indus Water Treaty is a water distribution treaty between India and Pakistan brokered by United Nations2. The commission is required to meet at least…