Tag: upsc cse

  • EU Carbon Border Tax

    Context: The European Parliament – the legislative body of the 27-member EU, reached a political deal on the carbon border tax – Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). Important for Prelims: International RelationsMains: UPSC General Studies II Need for CBAM: Why are developing countries/India opposing CBAM? Various Dimensions of India-Maldives Relations: Dimension Example Historical The Maldives has…

  • Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

    The European Union (EU) has announced that its Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) will be introduced. Important for Prelims: Geography and EnvironmentMains: General Studies Paper I Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Fit for 55 in 2030 Criticism of the Amendment Significance Way Forward Practice Questions for Prelims Consider the following statements regarding CBAM [carbon border adjustment mechanism]1. It will impose…


    Important for Prelims: Indian EconomyMains: General Studies Paper III NEW GST COMPLIANCE MEASURES Goods and Service Tax: What is the automated return scrutiny module? What are the recent changes for e-invoicing? Practice Questions for Prelims Which of the following is an indirect tax in India?a) Goods and Services Taxb) Corporation Taxc) Income Taxd) Capital Gains…

  • RSV Vaccine

    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most important cause of viral lower respiratory tract illness (LRI) in infants and children worldwide and causes significant LRI in the elderly and in immunocompromised patients. The goal of RSV vaccination is to prevent serious RSV-associated LRI. Important for Prelims: Science & TechnologyMains: General Studies Paper III What is in…

  • Forest Rights Act, 2006

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies Paper II Forest Rights Act, 2006 Forest Rights Act, 2006 : Key features of the Act: Challenges in Implementation  Way Ahead Practice Questions for Prelims Consider the following statements regarding the Forest Rights Act, 2006 :1.It is aimed at protecting the marginalised socio-economic class of citizens and balance…

  •  Nutritional Erosion of Millets

    Important for Prelims: Science & TechnologyMains: General Studies Paper III  Nutritional Erosion of Millets after Processing What are Millets ? Nutritional Erosion of Millets Practice Questions for Prelims Consider the following statements 1. Millets are fundamentally grasses.2. Millets are becoming more popular in India as well because of their low input requirements and high nutritional…

  • World Trade Organisation (WTO)

    Context: WTO dispute settlement panels have found India’s tariffs (between 7.5 – 20%) on certain ICT products such as mobile phones inconsistent with India’s WTO obligations. Importance Prelims: International Relations, Current AffairsMains: UPSC General Studies Paper- II, Important International Institutions Background:• One of the central objectives of the WTO is to boost transparency and predictability…

  • Ways and Means Advances

    Important for Prelims: Indian EconomyMains: General Studies III Ways and Means Advances What are Ways and Means Advances (WMA)? Features of ways and means advances (WMA) What are the impacts of arbitrarily fixing the WMA? What is the need of the hour? Practice Questions for Prelims Which of the following statements about Ways and Means…

  • Listeria Monocytogenes

    News: Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) is a species of pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria that can be found in moist environments, soil, water, decaying vegetation and animals, and can survive and even grow under refrigeration and other food preservation measures. Important for Prelims: Science & TechnolgyMains: General Studies Paper III What is in the News? What is…

  • World Thalassemia Day

    Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that causes the body to have less hemoglobin than normal. Haemoglobin enables red blood cells to carry oxygen. Thalassemia can cause anaemia, leading to fatigue.