Tag: MSP

  • Minimum Support Price (MSP)

    Minimum Support Price (MSP)

    Ref: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/watch-what-is-minimum-support-price/article67894764.ece Introduction: Recently, farmer groups have requested a legal assurance for the procurement of crops at Minimum Support Price (MSP). Minimum support price (MSP) was introduced in 1966-67 as part of agricultural reforms by the Central Government. Need for MSP How Does the Government Decide on the MSP? Three Kinds of Production Cost: Legal…

  • Farmers demands regarding MSP

    Important for Prelims: EconomyMains: General Studies III Minimum Support Price (MSP) 22 Crops: 3 Methods for Calculating Cost of Production Problems with MSP Regime Issues with Legalizing MSP Practice Questions for Prelims Consider the following statements regarding MSP :1. It is declared by CACP for 22 crops.2. Minimum MSP for any crop is 50% more…