Tag: indian polity

  • Preventive Detention

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies Paper II Preventive detention, a colonial legacy, has the ability to confer arbitrary powers to the state: SC judgment https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/preventive-detention-a-colonial-legacy-has-the-ability-to-confer-arbitrary-powers-to-the-state-sc-judgment/article66722072.ece Preventive detention Issues Safeguards Suggestions Practice Questions for Prelims Which of the following statements with regard to preventive detention in India is/are correct?1. The Detenue has no rights…

  • Special courts for speedy trial of legislators

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies II NEWS: SC for State-specific approach to setting up special courts for speedy trial of legislators Amicus curiae has flagged that criminal cases against legislators have leaped over the 5,000-mark, with 400 of them concerning heinous offences  Background : Jurisdiction: Read about other Supreme Court judgements: On UAPA, Consensual…

  • Supreme Court judgment on UAPA

    Important for Prelims: Indian Polity Mains: General Studies II NEWS: Supreme Court changes stand; now mere membership of a banned outfit is a crime under UAPA. the Supreme Court has set aside a series of its own judgments which had concluded that “mere membership” — unlike “active membership” — of an unlawful association or organisation…

  • OBC Listing

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies II  Origin: OBCs in India OBC Listing: Constitutional Provisions for OBC Practice Questions for Prelims Consider the following statements :1. 102nd Constitutional Amendment Act 2018 provided constitutional status to National Commission Backward Classes under article 338 B.2. After 105th Constitution Amendment Act, 2021, States will be able to…

  • National Security Act

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies II National Security Act Administrative order of District Magistrate: Key Provisions of NSA :  Grounds of detention: Protection available under the Act Criticism against NSA  Misused by authorities:  Way ahead Practice Questions for Prelims The National Security Act is concerned witha) Public Safetyb) Controlling terrorismc) Preventive detentiond) Anti-…

  • Institutions of Eminence Scheme (IOE)

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies II NEWS: For private campuses, Institution of Eminence tag gift-wrapped in red tape. Private campuses get no money under IOE scheme but are promised significant autonomy — that’s only on paper.  Eligibility: Benefits:  Issues with the scheme: Practice Questions for Prelims . Consider the following statements regarding ‘Institute…

  •  Global Terrorism Index

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies Paper II NEWS: Afghanistan most impacted by terrorism for fourth straight year, India ranks 13th: Global Terrorism Index Globally, deaths from terrorism fell by nine per cent to 6,701 deaths, signifying a 38 per cent decrease from its peak in 2015.  Key findings of the GTI : Major…

  •  Supreme Court asks govt. for data on death

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies Paper II NEWS: SC asks govt. for data on death by hanging and a possible alternative mode of execution https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/sc-asks-govt-for-data-on-death-by-hanging-and-a-possible-alternative-mode-of-execution/article66645002.ece  Current Provision of Death Penalty in India  World view of Death Penalty :  Mains Practice Question The death penalty is not about whether people deserve to die for…

  • Disqualification of MP from Lok Sabha

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies II NEWS: Rahul Gandhi disqualified from Lok Sabha day after conviction https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/rahul-gandhi-disqualified-from-lok-sabha/article66656687.ece  Rahul Gandhi disqualified from LS day after conviction Sec. 499, IPC- Defamation Whoever by Words spoken written sign visual representation Publication Harm to reputation Disqualification As MP Practice Questions for Prelims Consider the following statement regarding…

  • Right to Repair

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies II Right to Repair Aim Way forward Chetan Bharat Learning is the best institute in Chandigarh for UPSC IAS ,PCS preparation. To know more about Chetan Bharat Learning’s Online & Classroom Courses, click on the following links: