Tag: indian polity current affairs

  • World Press Freedom Index 2023

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies Paper II NEWS: India’s rank on World Press Freedom Index drops to 161 out of 180 countries https://scroll.in/latest/1048455/indias-rank-on-world-press-freedom-index-drops-to-161-out-of-180-countries#:~:text=India%20has%20slid%20from%2011,Borders%20said%20in%20a%20report.&text=India’s%20ranking%20in%20the%20World,Sans%20Fronti%C3%A8res%20said%20on%20Tuesday. World Press Freedom Index Evaluation Criteria:- five contextual indicators:  Key Highlights of the World Press Freedom Index 2023 :-  India’s Performance : Practice Questions for Prelims Mains Practice Question Chetan…

  • Reservation Law in Jobs

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies Paper II NEWS: Happening Haryana slips as investments drop amid worries over law reserving jobs for locals https://www.thehindu.com/business/Industry/happening-haryana-slips-as-investment-address/article66797708.ece Similar Attempts in other States: Pros: Cons: Practice Questions for Prelims Mains Practice Question Chetan Bharat Learning is the best institute in Chandigarh for UPSC IAS ,PCS preparation. To know…

  • Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act, 1994

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies Paper II Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994 Provisions Concerns Raised by the Delhi High Court :- Powers of Investigation and Arrest: Low Rate of Conviction: Chetan Bharat Learning is the best institute in Chandigarh for UPSC IAS ,PCS preparation. To know more about Chetan Bharat Learning’s…


    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies Paper II Exercise AJEYA WARRIOR Scope  Objectives and Importance   Practice Questions for Prelims Consider the following statements:1. The Joint military exercise “AJEYA WARRIOR-23” recently held at Chaubatia, Uttarakhand in October 2021.2. It is held between India and the United Kingdom 3. Soldiers of the 2 Royal Gorkha Rifles from…

  • NCPCR guidelines for assessing child suspects

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies Paper II NCPCR issues guidelines for assessment of child suspects in heinous offences https://indianexpress.com/article/india/ncpcr-issues-guidelines-for-assessment-of-child-suspects-in-heinous-offences-8555270/ The Guidelines :- What is the Need for such Guidelines? What is the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights? Practice Questions for Prelims Consider the following statements regarding  NCPCR guidelines for assessing child…

  • Special courts for speedy trial of legislators

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies II NEWS: SC for State-specific approach to setting up special courts for speedy trial of legislators Amicus curiae has flagged that criminal cases against legislators have leaped over the 5,000-mark, with 400 of them concerning heinous offences  Background : Jurisdiction: Read about other Supreme Court judgements: On UAPA, Consensual…

  • Defence Acquisition Council

    Important for Prelims: Indian PolityMains: General Studies II NEWS: Defence Acquisition Council clears proposals worth ₹70,500 crore including several design and development cases https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/india-approves-capital-acquisition-of-military-hardware-worth-70584-crore/article66626827.ece  Highlights of Acquisition Proposals :  Defense Acquisition Council : Chetan Bharat Learning is the best institute in Chandigarh for UPSC IAS ,PCS preparation. To know more about Chetan Bharat Learning’s Online…

  •  One Nation One Challan Initiative

    Important for Prelims:  Indian polity Mains: General Studies Paper II One Nation One Challan Initiative Virtual traffic courts Practice Questions for Prelims Consider the following statements:1. One Nation, One Challan is an initiative of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways2. If someone doesn’t pay the challan amount within 60 days, the challan will be automatically forwarded…