Tag: indian economy mains questions

  • Punjab & Haryana to De-Risk Economy

    Important for Prelims: Indian EconomyMains: General Studies III Punjab & Haryana to De-Risk Economy Decline in their role Why other States cannot help this year ?  Punjab & Haryana : The Saviors Chetan Bharat Learning is the best institute in Chandigarh for UPSC IAS ,PCS preparation. To know more about Chetan Bharat Learning’s Online &…

  • Inflation and Economic Growth- June 2023

    Important for Prelims: Indian EconomyMains: General Studies III Inflation and Economic Growth Policy Repo Rate & Inflation Policy Repo Rate & Inflation Read about Monetary Policy Statement, click here Practice Questions for Prelims Inflation can be countered by increasing which of the following?1. CRR2. Reverse Repo Rate3. SLR|4. Bank Rate Choose the correct answer using…

  • Tax on Remittances

    Important for Prelims:  Indian EconomyMains: General Studies III TAX ON REMITTANCES Liberalized Remittance Scheme  Issue with TCS To read about Liberalised Remittance Scheme, click here. Chetan Bharat Learning is the best institute in Chandigarh for UPSC IAS ,PCS preparation. To know more about Chetan Bharat Learning’s Online & Classroom Courses, click on the following links:

  • e-RUPI

    Important for Prelims: Indian EconomyMains: General Studies III e-RUPI Benefits to the consumer – It is contactless and a printout need not be carried– The redemption process is very easy– Personal details need not be shared by the beneficiary.– There is no need to have a bank account or digital payment app. Benefits for Merchants…

  • Common Panel for IPs

    Important for Prelims: Indian economy Mains: General Studies III Common Panel for IPs. Insolvency Professionals Practice Questions for Prelims Consider the following statements:1. Voluntary Liquidation in India can only happen through Section 59 of IBC.2. Cross Border Insolvency in India can be resolved through Section 234 and 235 of the IBC. Which of the above…

  • Skill Impact Bond Initiative

    Important for Prelims: Indian EconomyMains: General Studies III Skill Impact Bond Initiative What are Development Impact Bonds ? What is Skill Impact Bond ? Practice Questions for Prelims Consider the following statements about Skill Impact Bond:1. It is launched by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)2. It works on PPP model aimed at providing employment opportunities…

  • Negative Impact of Subsidies

    Important for Prelims: Indian EconomyMains: General Studies III Negative Impact of Subsidies Highlights of the Report Negative Impacts Problems with Subsidy Reduction Way Forward Chetan Bharat Learning is the best institute in Chandigarh for UPSC IAS ,PCS preparation. To know more about Chetan Bharat Learning’s Online & Classroom Courses, click on the following links:

  • National Champion’s Model for Infrastructure Development

    Important for Prelims: Indian EconomyMains: General Studies III What is in the News ? How Will This Model Work ?  Issues with this Model Chetan Bharat Learning is the best institute in Chandigarh for UPSC IAS ,PCS preparation. To know more about Chetan Bharat Learning’s Online & Classroom Courses, click on the following links:

  • Liberalized Remittance Scheme

    Important for Prelims: Indian economyMains: General Studies Paper III Liberalized Remittance Scheme. What is LRS ? What is FEMA 1999 ? Key Details and Implications Tax Implications Chetan Bharat Learning is the best institute in Chandigarh for UPSC IAS ,PCS preparation. To know more about Chetan Bharat Learning’s Online & Classroom Courses, click on the…