Tag: indian e

  • AT 1 Bonds

    Important for Prelims: Indian EconomyMains: General Studies Paper III What is in the News ? https://www.wallstreetmojo.com/at1-bonds/ AT 1 Bonds Practice Questions for Prelims  Consider the following statements regarding AT 1 Bonds :1.These can be issued by financial institutions to raise their Tier 1 capital to fulfil capital adequacy norms.2. These are regular interest bearing instruments…

  • Special Vostro Rupee Accounts

    Important for Prelims: Indian EconomyMains: General Studies III What is in the News ? Special VOSTRO Rupee Accounts (SVRA) Rupee Internationalization Practice Questions for Prelims Q. Convertibility of rupee implies (2015) (a) being able to convert rupee notes into gold(b) allowing the value of rupee to be fixed by market forces (c) freely permitting the conversion of rupee…

  • Virtual Trade Corridor

    Important for Prelims: Indian EconomyMains: General Studies III What is in the News ? What is it ? Practice Questions for Prelims Consider the following statements:1. A virtual trade corridor is an online platform that enables faster and more efficient customs clearance for international trade between two countries.2. The agreement immediately eliminated duties for 100% of…