Tag: Global Warming

  • Arctic Sea Ice Melting

    Important for Prelims: Geography and Environment Mains: General Studies I Arctic Sea Ice Melting Importance of Arctic Sea Ice Arctic Amplification Consequences: Practice Questions for Prelims ____ is India’s research centre in the Arctic.a) Maitrib) Dakshin Gangotric) Himadrid) Bharati Ans. c) Chetan Bharat Learning is the best institute in Chandigarh for UPSC IAS ,PCS preparation.…

  • El Nino 2023

    Important for Prelims: Geography and environmentMains: General Studies I El Nino 2023 El-Nino Consequences Impact on India: Practice Questions for Prelims El Nino is a temperature anomaly in ____ Oceana) Indianb) Pacificc) Southernd) Atlantic Ans. b) Mains Practice Question What are the causes and effects of El Nino? Discuss. Chetan Bharat Learning is the best…

  • Heatwaves

    Important for Prelims: Geography and Environment Mains: General Studies Paper I Heatwaves Casualties were observed from an apparent heat stroke while attending a government award function in Navi Mumbai. This incident highlights the potential risks from heatwaves. What is Heatwave ? Causes of Heatwaves :- Urban Heat island effect  highly urbanized area, with large amounts of concrete, buildings, and asphalt. These…