•  LA NINA

     LA NINA

    What is La Nina? La Nina is a climate phenomenon characterised by cooler-than-average sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean near the equator, which can have significant impacts on weather patterns around the world.  LA NINA triggers the following events: Global Impacts Impact on India: In some regions of India, La Nina…



    What is El Nino? El Nino is a complex climate phenomenon characterised by the abnormal warming of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in the Eastern Pacific Ocean.  ENSO Under normal conditions, the tropical south Pacific ocean witnesses high pressure whereas the tropical Indian Ocean undergoes low pressure conditions. Sometimes, these pressure conditions are reversed, resulting in…

  • El Nino 2023

    Important for Prelims: Geography and environmentMains: General Studies I El Nino 2023 El-Nino Consequences Impact on India: Practice Questions for Prelims El Nino is a temperature anomaly in ____ Oceana) Indianb) Pacificc) Southernd) Atlantic Ans. b) Mains Practice Question What are the causes and effects of El Nino? Discuss. Chetan Bharat Learning is the best…