Subansiri Dam Project

Important for

Prelims: Geography and Environment

General Studies Paper I

What is Subansiri Dam Project

  • The Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric project (SLHEP) on the Assam-Arunachal border was recently hit by a landslide during pre-monsoon rain.


  • The Subansiri Dam Project originates from the Tibetan Himalayas and makes its way to India via (Miri Hills) Arunachal Pradesh
Subansiri Dam Project

Tributaries of the Brahmaputra River

  • The Dhansiri River
  • The Lohit River
  • The Dibang River
  • The Subansiri River
  • The Kameng River
  • The Manas River
  • The Teesta River

Subansiri Lower Hydroelectric Project?

  • It is the biggest hydroelectric project undertaken in India so far and is a run of river scheme on river Subansiri.
    • A run-of-river dam is one in which the flow of water in the river downstream of the dam is the same as the flow of water upstream of the dam.
    • In other words, the dam doesn’t hold back/store water behind it; it runs with the river.

Practice Questions for Prelims

The Brahmaputra, Irrawaddy and Mekong Rivers originate in Tibet narrow and flow in parallel mountain ranges in their upper reaches. Of these rivers, Brahmaputra makes a ‘U’ turn in its course to flow into India. This ‘U’ turn is due to __________.
(A) Uplift of folded Himalayan ranges
(B) Syntaxial bending of geologically young Himalayas
(C) Geo-tectonic disturbance in the tertiary folded mountain chains
(D) Both (A) and (B)

Ans. B)

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Subansiri Dam Project
Subansiri Dam Project
Subansiri Dam Project

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