Rise in Drug Abuse

Important for

Prelims: Social Issues

General Studies I

Rise in Drug Abuse

  • Recent surveys by the state Ministry for Excise highlights the rise in the drug overtake cases in Kerala. 300% increase in drug cases over the past six years, with arrests up 90%.
  • The Rise in Drug Abuse cases registered under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act in 2022 was 26,629, a significant increase from 5,924 cases in 2016 and 9,245 cases in 2019.
  • Nearly 97% of the respondents admitted to using some form of drug with Cannabis (ganja) being the most consumed drug (82%), followed by tobacco (75.6%).
  • The Rise in Drug Abuse report has also highlighted that cannabis is finding its way into the state from Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, and Bihar.
Rise in Drug Abuse

Major reason for drug availability

  • India’s location between the world’s two main illicit opium-producing regions, the Golden Crescent and Golden Triangle, has left its borders open to drug trafficking. It emanates from two fronts, the NW and NE, which pose a danger to national security and border violations, respectively.

Major challenges in controlling the drug menace

  • High demand: The demand for drugs in India is high and is driven by a growing population of young people and an increase in disposable income.
  • Lack of effective law enforcement: Despite efforts by the government to curb drug trafficking, the porous borders and widespread corruption in India make it difficult to effectively enforce anti-drug laws.
  • Inadequate rehabilitation facilities: There is a shortage of rehabilitation facilities and resources for those struggling with drug addiction, making it difficult for them to access the help they need.
  • Difficulty in prevention and education: Drug abuse prevention and education campaigns are often underfunded and not effectively implemented, making it difficult to reach those who are most at risk.
  • Lack of comprehensive approach: The lack of a comprehensive approach to addressing the drug problem in India, including both treatment and prevention, makes it difficult to effectively address the issue.

Government steps to curb Drug abuse in India

  • National Drug Demand Reduction Policy: It aims to prevent and reduce drug abuse through multiple strategies including demand reduction, supply reduction, and harm reduction.
  • Rehabilitation: The government has set up multiple rehabilitation centers and de-addiction clinics to provide treatment and support to individuals struggling with drug addiction.
  • Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act(1985): It is the main legal framework in India to curb drug abuse and trafficking, and imposes stringent penalties on those involved in drug-related crimes.
  • Information dissemination: The government has implemented various public awareness and educational campaigns to spread knowledge about the dangers of drug abuse and to prevent drug use, particularly among young people.
  • Co-ordination: The government also works with other countries in the region to curb cross-border drug trafficking and to dismantle illegal drug production and distribution networks.
  • Support: The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment runs a scheme to provide financial and technical assistance to NGOs and other organizations working on drug demand reduction and rehabilitation.
  • Central Bureau of Narcotics (CBN): It is the main enforcement agency responsible for implementing the NDPS Act and for conducting raids and arrests in connection with drug-related crimes.
Rise in Drug Abuse

What can be done to curb the issue of drugs?

  • Improving access to treatment and rehabilitation: Providing access to quality addiction treatment and rehabilitation resources can help individuals overcome their drug dependence.
  • Strengthening law enforcement: Strengthening law enforcement efforts to curb drug trafficking and distribution can reduce the availability of drugs in the country.
  • Educating the public: Educating the public about the dangers of drug abuse through campaigns, public speaking, and school programs can raise awareness and discourage drug use.
  • Addressing root causes: Addressing the root causes of drug abuse, such as poverty, lack of education, and mental health issues, can help prevent people from turning to drugs in the first place.
  • Involving community leaders: Involving community leaders and organizations in the fight against drug abuse can help mobilize local resources and increase public support for drug-control efforts.
  • Encouraging alternative activities: Encouraging individuals to participate in alternative activities, such as sports, music, and community service, can provide positive outlets and reduce the risk of drug abuse.
  • Implementing effective public policy: Developing and implementing effective public policy that addresses the issue of drug abuse can help prevent drug use and support those who are struggling with addiction.
  • Researching new treatments and prevention methods: Investing in research and development to find new treatments and prevention methods can help reduce the harm caused by drug abuse.

Read More About the Drug’s:- CLICK HERE

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Rise in Drug Abuse
Rise in Drug Abuse
Rise in Drug Abuse
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