Responsible Antibiotic Production Scheme

Important for

Prelims: Science & Technology

General Studies III

NEWS: New Certification Aims to Mitigate Antimicrobial Resistance Risk in Antibiotic Manufacturing

 What is in the News?

  • A new certification scheme to promote responsible antibiotics manufacturing was launched in India on June 26, 2023, by British Standards Institute (BSI) and AMR Industry Alliance. 
  • AMR Industry Alliance, one of the largest private sector coalitions that provide long-term solutions to antimicrobial resistance, engaged BSI, a business improvement and standards company, to provide expert services for the development of this standard.
  • The online event followed the footsteps of a similar global certification launch held on June 5, 2023. 
Responsible Antibiotic Production Scheme

 More About the Scheme

  • The certification process involves third-party validation to monitor environmental practices throughout the manufacturing process.
  • Manufacturers must demonstrate effective environmental management and wastewater treatment systems to obtain certification.
  • The concentration of antibiotics in waste streams must be below a specified threshold to prevent the emergence of AMR in the environment.
  • The certification is valid for three years, with annual surveillance to ensure ongoing compliance.
  • Aim is to address environmental concerns related to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) by limiting the release of antibiotic residues into waterways through industrial waste.
  • In 2022, The AMR Industry Alliance and BSI came up with a set of Antibiotic Manufacturing Standards and launched the certification to ensure their implementation. 
  • The initiative is part of efforts to promote sustainable and responsible drug production while mitigating the environmental impact of antibiotic manufacturing.

Other Steps to Control AMR

  • India:
    • Chennai Declaration 2012
    • Red Line Campaign 
    • National Action Plan on AMR
  • International:
    • EU’s ban on preventive mass medication in animals using antibiotics or other drugs.
    • UN’s “One Health Approach”
    • WHO’s AWaRe (Access, Watch, Reserve) Classification.

Practice Questions for Prelims

What is meant by antibiotic resistance?

(a) It means our body has become resistant to the antibiotic
(b) It means the bacteria have developed antibiotic resistance
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of the above

Ans. b

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Responsible Antibiotic Production
Responsible Antibiotic Production
Responsible Antibiotic Production
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