Project Tiger

Project Tiger

Tiger Conservation In India

Topics: UPSC Prelims, Environment, Ecology, Biodiversity (GS Paper III)


Headline: PM Launches International Big Cat Alliance at 50th Anniversary of Project Tiger

Project Tiger: A Roaring Success Story in Big Cat Conservation (India)

  • Celebrating 50 Years of Conservation Excellence: Project Tiger, launched in 1973, stands as a shining example of successful wildlife conservation efforts. This centrally sponsored scheme by the Government of India has been instrumental in protecting the endangered Bengal tiger.
  • National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) : The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) is a statutory body implementing Project Tiger.
  • Empowering States for Tiger Protection: Project Tiger provides crucial funding to tiger range states in India. These funds are directed towards in-situ conservation, meaning the preservation of tigers within their natural habitats – designated tiger reserves.
  • Landmark Event in Mysuru: On April 9th, 2023, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India inaugurated the “Commemoration of 50 years of Project Tiger” program held in Mysuru, Karnataka. The event marked several significant milestones:
    • PM unveiled “Amrit Kaal Ka Vision for Tiger Conservation.” This report outlines India’s vision for tiger conservation over the next 25 years.
    • Other two reports assess the effectiveness of tiger reserve management practices and provide the latest tiger population numbers in India.
      • The 5th cycle of Management Effectiveness Evaluation of Tiger Reserves: This report assesses the effectiveness of tiger reserve management practices.
      • Summary report of All India Tiger Estimation (5th cycle): This report unveils the latest tiger population numbers in India.

Uniting for Big Cats: India Launches International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA)

Facing habitat loss, poaching, and other threats, seven magnificent big cats – tigers, lions, leopards, snow leopards, cheetahs, jaguars, and pumas – need global action. In April 2023, to mark the 50th anniversary of Project Tiger, India launched a landmark initiative: the International Big Cat Alliance (IBCA), uniting 97 countries across the big cats’ natural habitats.

To jumpstart these critical efforts, IBCA has pledged assured support over 5 years with a guaranteed funding of over Rs. 800 crores (approximately $100 million). This financial commitment demonstrates India’s leadership and commitment to securing a future for these majestic creatures.

Project Tiger’s impact

  • Community Collaboration: There is a significant reduction in poaching threats by community-driven conservation efforts.
  • Soaring Tiger Population: India’s tiger population has witnessed a remarkable near 200% increase, rising from around 1,200 in the early 1970s to an estimated 3,682 in 2023. This success story demonstrates the effectiveness of Project Tiger’s initiatives.
  • Network of Safe Havens: As of March 2024, there are 55 tiger reserves spanning over 78,000 square kilometers.

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