Periodic Labour Force Survey Report 2021-22

Important for

Prelims: Indian Economy

General Studies III

What is in the News?

  • The Annual PLFS Report 2021-22 gives the estimated percentage distribution of workers at the All-India level in usual status by broad industry division as per National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008.
  • As per the table, agriculture has highest estimated percentage distribution of female workers followed by manufacturing.
Broad industry division as per NIC-2008Male (%)Female (%)Person (%)
Mining & quarrying0.40.10.3
Electricity, water, etc0.70.20.6
Trade, hotel & restaurant14.75.912.1
Transport, storage & communications7.51.25.6
Other services11.213.611.9

Periodic labour Force Survey

  • PLFS was launched by the National Statistical Office (NSO) in 2017, to estimate the key employment and unemployment indicators.
  • It measures both urban and rural employment indicators following two ‘Activity Status’ Approaches :
    • Usual Status(PS + SS) – Under this, a person who has worked even for 30 days in a year is considered employed.
    • Current Weekly Status (CWS) – This approach records only those persons as unemployed who did not have gainful work even for an hour on any day of the week preceding the date of the survey. 
  • Quarterly employment indicators are also calculated only for Urban areas using CWS.

Other Steps to Promote FLFPR

  • Enhancement in paid maternity leave from 12 weeks to 26 weeks.
  • Provision for mandatory crèche facility in establishments with 50 or more employees.
  • Permitting women workers in the night shifts with adequate safety measures.
  • The Equal Remuneration Act 1976 now subsumed in the Code on Wages, 2019 provides for no discrimination on the ground of gender.
  • Training through a network of Women Industrial Training institutes, National Vocational Training Institutes and Regional Vocational Training Institutes.

Practice Questions for Prelims

 Consider the following statements regarding Periodic Labour Force Survey :
1. It provides employment indicators for both rural and urban areas on both annual and quarterly basis.
2. Employment indicators are calculated using both Current Weekly Status and Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status.
3. As per the recent PLFS, Female Labour Force Participations Rate has increased in agriculture.
Choose the correct statement/statements-
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 2 and 3 only
c) 1 and 3 only
d) 1 2 and 3

Ans. B

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 PLFS 2021-22
 PLFS 2021-22
 PLFS 2021-22
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