Nalanda University

Nalanda University

Important for UPSC, State PCS

Prelims: Ancient History, Current Affairs

General Studies Paper 1

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Reviving the Legacy: Nalanda University

Nalanda University stands as a beacon of India’s rich intellectual heritage and a testament to the India’s profound influence on the world’s scholarly pursuits. Nalanda University was located in Bihar was a center of learning. It attracted scholars and students across Asia and contributed significantly to the development of Buddhist studies, philosophy, mathematics, medicine, etc.

Historical Significance

Nalanda University was established around the 5th century CE during the Gupta dynasty. It evolved into a renowned center of higher learning under the patronage of emperors like Kumaragupta I and Harsha of Kannauj.

It reached its zenith between the 5th and 12th centuries, hosting thousands of students and scholars from places as far as Korea, Japan, China, Tibet, Mongolia, Turkey, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. The university’s curriculum encompassed a wide range of subjects, including theology, grammar, logic, metaphysics, astronomy, and medicine.

Academic Excellence

Nalanda University had a very impressive library, called Dharmaganja, which housed hundreds of thousands of manuscripts on palm leaves. Nalanda’s system of education emphasized debate, dialogue, and critical inquiry, which fostered an environment that nurtured intellectual growth and cross-cultural exchange. This university is truly remarkable, and it is wonderful that it has been revived.

Cultural Exchange and Influence

Nalanda played a pivotal role in the transmission of knowledge between India and other parts of Asia. Scholars traveled to Nalanda to study under renowned teachers, and upon their return, they disseminated Indian philosophy, culture, and sciences in their respective countries. The cultural exchange contributed to the spread of Buddhism and Indian philosophical thought in Asia.

Decline and Revival

Nalanda University faced decline and eventual destruction by invaders in the 12th century. The once-great institution lay in ruins for centuries until efforts to revive it began in the late 20th century. In 2010, the Government of India passed the Nalanda University Act, marking the revival of this ancient seat of learning as an international institution dedicated to interdisciplinary studies.

Modern-Day Significance

Today, Nalanda University stands as a symbol of India’s commitment to fostering global intellectual cooperation and scholarship. The university attracts students and faculty from around the world, continuing its tradition of cultural exchange and academic excellence.

Future Prospects

As Nalanda University moves forward, it aims to reestablish itself as a premier center for learning and research, addressing contemporary global challenges through interdisciplinary studies and collaboration.

The blend of ancient wisdom with modern knowledge systems resonates with the spirit of its illustrious past, ensuring that Nalanda remains a beacon of learning, enlightenment, and cultural exchange in the 21st century and beyond.

In conclusion, the revival of Nalanda University is a reaffirmation of India’s enduring legacy of intellectual pursuit and global engagement.

Latest Current Affairs

Mains Practice Question: “Nalanda University, in its heyday, was not just a center of learning but also a beacon of India’s soft power in Asia. Discuss the factors that contributed to Nalanda’s prominence as an international institution of higher learning. How can its revival in the 21st century contribute to India’s global engagement and cultural diplomacy?”

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