Internet Freedom in India

Important for

Prelims: Polity

General Studies II

  • India has consistently topped the global list of countries imposing internet bans, with approximately 60% of all recorded blackouts worldwide, which threatens Internet Freedom in India.
  • reason cited-  national security and threats to public order. 
  • cases – Citizenship Amendment Act in 2019, the abrogation of Article 370 in 2019, and the introduction of Farm Bills in 2020. 
  • Regionally, Jammu and Kashmir saw the highest number of shutdowns in the last 12 years. 

Legal Provisions Relating to Internet Shutdown

  • Indian Telegraph Act : Indian States and Union Territories can impose an internet shutdown only in case of a “public emergency” or in the interest of “public safety”.
  • However, the law does not define what qualifies as an emergency or safety issue. 
  • Till the year 2017, shutdowns were imposed largely under Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC). 
  • However, in 2017 the law was amended and the Government promulgated the Temporary Suspension of Telecom Services (Public Emergency or Public Safety) Rule 2017.

Anuradha Bhasin v. Union of India Case:

  • In 2020 the Supreme Court by ruling on Jammu and Kashmir Internet shutdown held that indefinite internet shutdowns by the State is not permissible under Indian Constitution. 
  • The apex Court further stated that imposition of Section144 can not be used as a mechanism to avoid genuine protest which is permitted under the Constitution. 

Key Highlights of the orders:

  • Usage of the Internet is the Fundamental Right under Article 19 of the Indian Constitution.
  • Internet shutdowns can be of temporary period but not for indefinite period.
  • Government to publish all orders imposing restrictions under Section 144.
  • The Court had also said that any order with regard to Internet Shutdowns will come under Judicial Scrutiny.

Arguments in Favour of Internet Shutdown by the Government

  • National Security: due to spread of misinformation, coordinate unlawful activities, or address security threats.
  • Temporary and Targeted Measures: 
  • Preventing Unrest and Violence:
  • Counteracting Fake News and Disinformation: 

Arguments Against the Internet Shutdown by the Government

  • Impact on Freedom of Expression:  
  • Global Image and Investment:  
  • Human Rights Concerns:  
  • Economic Disruptions:  
  • Educational Challenges:  
  • Lack of Transparency: 


  • In a democracy Governments should provide a rationale for disrupting the internet services in a periodic manner. 
  • The publications of all the orders must be made to maintain transparency.
  • Indiscriminate shutdowns have high social and economic costs and are often ineffective. 
  • For better internet governance the Indian civil society needs to push for a transparent and accountable system.

Mains Practice Question

Analyze the impact of internet shutdowns on the right to freedom of speech and expression in India.

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