Important for
Prelims: Social Issues
Mains: General Studies Paper II
Ancestral Records
- Genealogy priests called Panda have been collecting records of families going back 15 to 20 generations, with details like place of origin, names, births, deaths, reason of death, place of residence, grants made to temples, caste, and clan.
- Genealogy is the study of ancestry
- Many Hindu families undertake a pilgrimage to religious places like Haridwar or Varanasi upon the death of a family member, where they also visit their family priest to register the death as well as other family developments.
- These records can be a rich source to understand past famines, epidemics, migration, movement of people, as well as social history on how clans and communities were organised.
- The ICHR plans to help make these records available to researchers, scholars, and historians.

- The Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) is an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Education, Government of India.
- It was established by the Ministry of Education & Social Welfare, Govt. of India (now, Ministry of Education) in 1972.
- ICHR was registered under the Societies Registration Act (Act xxi of 1860), an Act for the registration of Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies in India.
- The primary aim and objective of the Indian Council of Historical Research are to promote and give directions to historical research and to encourage and foster objective and scientific writing of history.
- It provides fellowships and financial assistance to young teachers in colleges, universities and registered research organisations,
- It publishes a biannual Journal – the Indian Historical Review, and another journal Itihas in Hindi.
Practice Questions for Prelims
Mains Practice Question
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