19 countries express interest in joining BRICS group

Important for

Prelims: international relations

General Studies Paper II

Context: 19 nations including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Algeria, Egypt, Bahrain, and Iran have expressed interest in joining the emerging-markets bloc of BRICS (Brazil,Russia, India, China, and South Africa).

NEWS: 19 countries express interest in joining BRICS group

19 countries express interest in joining BRICS group


Importance of BRICS for India

Geo-PoliticsBRICS provides India with an opportunity
to balance its strategic interests between the US
and the Russia-China axis.
Global Economic OrderBRICS plays an important role in the G20,
in shaping global economic policies and promotingfinancial stability.
Voice of Developing NationsBRICS has emerged as the voice of developing
countries and is playing a significant role in
protecting the rights of developing countries.
TerrorismBRICS provides a platform for India to galvanize its
efforts against terrorism and has worked within the
grouping to take a strong stand against terrorism.
Global GroupingBRICS provides an opportunity for India to actively
engage with China and resolve mutual disputes. It
also helps in garnering support from other partner

Way forward for BRICS:

Reform of Multilateral
BRICS countries could jointly advocate for the reform of
the UN Security Council, calling for the inclusion of more
developing countries as permanent members.
Resolve to Combat
BRICS countries could share best practices and
intelligence to combat terrorism, as well as work
together to cut off funding and resources for terrorist
Promoting Technological and Digital Solutions for
the SDGs
BRICS countries could share their experiences in
adopting and implementing digital solutions in these
Expanding People-to-
People Cooperation
BRICS countries could organize joint cultural events and
exhibitions, establish more student exchange
programs and scholarships, and encourage more tourism
and business visits to each other’s countries.


BRICS faces several challenges such as internal differences, global economic slowdown, and geopolitical tensions. However, the group can remain relevant by expanding its agenda to promote comprehensive development and enhanced cooperation among all states. BRICS should also focus on the democratization of international issues, respect for cultural diversity, and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

Practice Questions for Prelims

Consider the following statements: ( UPSC 2016)
1. New Development Bank has been set up by APEC.
2. The headquarters of the New Development Bank is in Shanghai.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A. 1 only
B. 2 only
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2

Ans. B

Mains Practice Question

Discuss the opportunities that BRICS offer to India. What are the challenges in the successful
working of BRICS?

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19 countries express interest in joining BRICS group
19 countries express interest in joining BRICS group
19 countries express interest in joining BRICS group

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